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Three new updates to the LGL dashboard


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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updates to the LGL dashboard

We’re excited to share three new features that are now available on the LGL dashboard:

    1. Organization dashboard
    2. Ability to print the dashboard
    3. Ability to download images of each dashboard widget

New LGL Dashboard updates

Image: LGL dashboard updates

LGL dashboard updates

Organization-wide dashboard view​

One of the great things about the dashboard LGL has had for a long time is that it can be personalized for each user/team member. For example, a membership manager can choose to place the Membership Summary widget at the top of their dashboard, whereas the volunteer manager might choose to add the Volunteering Hours widget at the top of their dashboard. The dashboard also displays data that is specific to the individual user/team member, such as a list of their upcoming tasks.

But this personalization can make it harder to set up the dashboard so that it works well for your organization as a whole. For example, if you want to share the most important items with your board members, you probably would not want your personalized items showing.

The Organization dashboard solves this issue by offering a second dashboard comprising a single view that is the same for everyone who has access to it (those with the Volunteer role don’t have access). Now, every Administrator, Gift Entry, and Fundraiser team member has two dashboards in their LGL account: “My dashboard” and the “Organization dashboard”.

The ability to print the dashboard​

The second feature we’re excited to unveil is the “Print Dashboard” button. This provides a PDF download with configurable page breaks. This PDF can then be easily printed or shared electronically with others in your organization. This feature is available on both the personalizable “My dashboard” and the new “Organization dashboard”.

Below is an example view of the “Organization dashboard” you could print to PDF and bring to a board meeting. This example shows 5 widgets of the 20 that are available to display.

LGL Organization Dashboard

The ability to download an image of each dashboard widget​

The third new feature that we’ve rolled out on the dashboard is the ability to download either a JPEG or PNG image of each individual widget. Where the “Print Dashboard” option is great for printing the entire dashboard, this option allows you to grab images of individual widgets to incorporate into your own documents or emails. This feature is available on both the personalizable “My dashboard” and the new “Organization dashboard” views.

We hope our customers enjoy these new features, and stay tuned for more exciting additions coming to the dashboard soon! For a complete overview of all of the LGL dashboard functionality, read our Knowledge base article.

The post Three new updates to the LGL dashboard appeared first on Little Green Light.
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