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How Does Santa Go Down the Chimney? by Mac Barnett, illustrated by Jon Klassen


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
Reaction score
Published by Candlewick

Summary: The dynamic Barnett-Klassen duo ponder the question of the title with a whole brainstorm of ideas. Does Santa cinch up his belt or shrink to the size of the mouse? Does he ever get stuck partway down and need a kick from the reindeer? And what about those homes without chimneys? Does he turn into a letter and drop through the mail slot? Or slip through the pipes and come out the faucet? And don’t even get started on how Santa goes back up the chimney! However it is accomplished, the narrator concludes, we’re all so glad he can do it. 32 pages; ages 4-8.

Pros: Get ready for some ho-ho-ho’s when you share this book with kids, who will no doubt be inspired to come up with some new ideas about Santa to add to Mac Barnett’s list. Jon Klassen takes the idea and runs with it, and readers will love the images of Santa dripping through the faucet and flattening himself to go under the door.

Cons: We can speculate, but we will never know for sure.
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