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Come and Join Us! 18 Holidays Celebrated All Year Long by Liz Kleinrock, illustrated by Chaaya Prabhat


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
Reaction score
Published by HarperCollins

Summary: Throughout the year, a class learns about the holidays different kids celebrate as part of their cultures. Each child describes the holiday in a paragraph, with colorful illustrations showing a family celebration. There are sure to be some new ones to many readers, including Obon, Makahiki, and Vesak, as well as some that may be familiar like the Jewish High Holidays, Kwanzaa, and Día de Los Muertos. At the end of each holiday description is a question for discussion, like “What kinds of stories do you tell on your holiday?” and “Do you gather with family to celebrate your holidays?” Includes an author’s note about her own childhood experience celebrating Jewish holidays and not observing Christmas, as well as a glossary. 40 pages; grades K-5

Pros: A fascinating look at other cultures and the special days they observe with appealing illustrations and interesting questions that will help make connections with readers’ own experiences.

Cons: This felt like kind of a lot to read all at once; it might be better to do a little at a time, or to use it as a resource for learning about specific holidays.
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